From Homosexinfo

Sexuality: Rectal Insertion of Foreign Bodies by Male Homosexuals

Some homosexuals insert foreign bodies into their rectum for pleasure. Occasionally, while moving an object back and forth, a homosexual or his partner may loose his grip on the object and the foreign body gets sucked into the colorectum. In emergency departments, some such objects recovered from the colorectum of homosexuals include soft-drink and other bottles, jars, light bulbs, candles, fruits like bananas and apples; vegetables like cucumbers, onions, potatoes, carrots and turnips; dildos, vibrators, tumblers, a polythene waste trap from the U-bend of a sink, salami, sponge rubber balls, a steer’s horn, baseballs, tennis balls, hard-boiled eggs, sand-filled bicycle inner tubing, an aluminum tube (used by a prisoner to store money and other valuables), broomsticks, broom handles, various types of brushes, ax handles, whip handles, soldering irons, a wood-handled carborundum sharpening stone, glass tubes, frozen pig’s tail, and kitchen items such as spatula, ice pick, and mortar pestle.(1-12) The typical patient that presents in the emergency department with colorectal foreign objects is a male homosexual;(4) the other patients are women or patients who have been rectally assaulted with a foreign body.

Morgenstern mentioned the recovery of a plastic fist and forearm from the colon of a homosexual.(13) Miller mentioned a homosexual patient with a 150-watt light bulb in his colorectum.(14) Homosexuals presenting with light bulbs in their colon challenge even experienced emergency personnel in San Francisco because breakage of the glass could easily perforate the colon or rectum. In one case, physicians had to fix a light bulb socket onto the end of a stick, insert the stick into the rectum, screw the socket onto the bulb, and finally pull out the bulb.(10) Needless to add, removing stuck rectal objects often requires ingenuity. For instance, in one case, physicians managed to remove a stuck water tumbler by putting rope and molten plaster into the tumbler and using the rope to pull out the tumbler after the plaster had hardened.(10)

Schaupp described the case of a homosexual physician who presented with a stuck rectal object.(15) He pleaded with the surgical resident to not admit him in the hospital but extract the object in the emergency department instead. Normally, such cases are observed for at least 24 hours to make sure that the rectal object did not perforate the rectum. The doctor went home with an unrecognized perforation and developed peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). He called the chief of surgery and blamed it all on the resident. Most likely, the physician had perforated his bowel while he was anally masturbating.(15)

Buzzard and Waxman reported the removal of a plastic vibrator from the rectum of a 65-year-old man who had had it in his rectum for 6 months and even traveled around the world with it.(16)

In emergency departments, homosexuals commonly offer bizarre explanations for stuck rectal objects. They explain such objects in terms of accidental ingestion, deliberate insertion to disimpact feces, or accidents where they slipped and fell on the object lodged in their rectum.(4) Some patients don’t admit to prior homosexual activity and for obvious reasons. Graves et al. described a patient with a large peanut butter glass jar lodged in his rectum.(17) The patient claimed that he was washing his dog in the shower when he slipped and fell on a glass jar, which then entered his rectum. They also described another patient who came to the emergency department complaining of rectal and lower abdominal pain and claiming that he had been abducted and sexually assaulted by several men.(17) This patient had a large vibrator lodged in his rectum. A police investigation determined that no assault had taken place, and that the vibrator had most likely been self-administered.(17) Lo et al. described a 50-year-old man who was seen at an emergency department for abdominal pain.(18) A physical examination revealed peritonitis and an X-ray revealed a shadow of an eel in the abdomen. After further questioning, the patient reported that he had inserted a live eel into his rectum to relieve constipation. The 50 cm-long eel had perforated his rectum and was quickly removed.(18)

The objects homosexuals insert into their rectum are only limited by the capacity of their rectum, not their imagination.(2) For instance, Cooper described a 33-year-old homosexual patient with a 14 inch-long sand-filled bicycle tube in his rectum.(19) He and his partners regularly inserted the sand-filled tubes into each other’s rectum, till one day they lost a tube beyond recovery into the patient’s rectum. Stephens and Taff described a homosexual who had his partner give him an enema with a concrete mix, followed by the insertion of a ping-pong ball to retain the mix.(20) The concrete hardened and the homosexual ended up in an emergency department. The patient refused a psychiatric consultation recommended by the physician. Eckert and Katchis mentioned the practice of inserting gerbils into the rectum for pleasurable scratching sensations.(21)

Death resulting from rectal insertion of foreign objects is rare, but occasionally, one comes across such a case. Byard et al. described a 56-year-old man that attempted sexual stimulation via the insertion of a shoehorn in his rectum. He tore his rectum, did not seek medical help, and bled to death.(22)

It is difficult to estimate the incidence of foreign body insertion among homosexuals because they appear in emergency departments only when they require professional help in retrieving stuck rectal objects. Reuben noted that the only people who insert their hands/fingers into the rectum more than homosexuals are doctors, often attempting to retrieve foreign bodies that homosexuals accidentally lost into their rectum while anally masturbating.(23)

Pictures of Rectal Foreign Bodies

Feel free to check the references if you believe that these pictures are fake.

A brush stuck in the colorectum.
A brush stuck in the colorectum.(2)
A 10-inch carrot found in the colorectum.
A 10-inch carrot along with the proctosigmoidoscope used to extract it from the colorectum.(1)
A light bulb recovered from the colorectum.
A light bulb recovered from the colorectum; the bulb is shown with the socket-tipped stick used to extract it.(10)
A wood-handled carborundum sharpening stone extracted from the rectum.
A wood-handled carborundum sharpening stone extracted from the rectum.(10)
A soldering iron stuck in the colorectum.
A soldering iron stuck in the colorectum.(11)
Two glass tubes stuck in the colorectum.
Two glass tubes stuck in the colorectum.(1)
A water tumbler extracted from the rectum.
A water tumbler extracted from the rectum. The tumbler is shown with the plaster and rope used to extract it.(10)

The following 4 images are from the same case.

An eel in the abdomen.
An eel in the abdomen; note arrows.(18)
Eel biting splenic flexure.
Eel biting splenic flexure.(18)
Rectal perforation made by an eel.
Rectal perforation made by an eel.(18)
The recovered eel.
The recovered eel.(18)


  1. Abcarian H, Lowe R. Colon and rectal trauma. Surg Clin North Am 1978;58(3):519-37.
  2. Barone JE, Sohn N, Nealon TF, Jr. Perforations and foreign bodies of the rectum: report of 28 cases. Ann Surg 1976;184(5):601-4.
  3. Busch DB, Starling JR. Rectal foreign bodies: case reports and a comprehensive review of the world's literature. Surgery 1986;100(3):512-9.
  4. Crass RA, Tranbaugh RF, Kudsk KA, et al. Colorectal foreign bodies and perforation. Am J Surg 1981;142(1):85-8.
  5. Eftaiha M, Hambrick E, Abcarian H. Principles of management of colorectal foreign bodies. Arch Surg 1977;112(6):691-5.
  6. Lucas MA, Ryan JE. Rectal foreign bodies. Kentucky Med J 1947;42:702.
  7. Marino AW, Jr., Mancini HW. Anal eroticism. Surg Clin North Am 1978;58(3):513-8.
  8. Newlinds JS. A long standing, much travelled rectal foreign body. Med J Aust 1979;2(7):373-4.
  9. Hunter RC, Jr. Foreign body (light bulb) in the rectosigmoid. Armed Forces Med J 1954;5:1050.
  10. Benjamin HB, Klamecki B, Haft JS. Removal of exotic foreign objects from the abdominal orifices. Am J Proctol 1969;20(6):413-7.
  11. Daffner RH. Contrast enema for rectal foreign body. Am J Proctol 1976;27(5):39-41.
  12. Shah J, Majed A, Rosin D. Rectal salami. Int J Clin Pract 2002;56(7):558-9.
  13. Morgenstern L. Commentary. Am J Surg 1981;142(1):85-8.
  14. Miller DR. Commentary. Am J Surg 1981;142(1):85-8.
  15. Schaupp WC. Commentary. Am J Surg 1981;142(1):85-8.
  16. Buzzard AJ, Waxman BP. A long standing, much travelled rectal foreign body. Med J Aust 1979;1(13):600.
  17. Graves RW, Allison EJ, Jr., Bass RR, et al. Anal eroticism: two unusual rectal foreign bodies and their removal. South Med J 1983;76(5):677-8.
  18. Lo SF, Wong SH, Leung LS, et al. Traumatic rectal perforation by an eel. Surgery 2004;135(1):110-1.
  19. Cooper NK. Rectal foreign body of record length? Med J Aust 1979;2(13):702.
  20. Stephens PJ, Taff ML. Rectal impaction following enema with concrete mix. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 1987;8(2):179-82.
  21. Eckert WG, Katchis S. Anorectal trauma. Medicolegal and forensic aspects. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 1989;10(1):3-9.
  22. Byard RW, Eitzen DA, James R. Unusual fatal mechanisms in nonasphyxial autoerotic death. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2000;21(1):65-8.
  23. Reuben D. Homosexuality. Everything you always wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask. [The author is a physician]. New York: St Martins Paperbacks, 1999;156-79.
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